Show your support for 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani's appeal to the US Supreme Court

Ellen Mariani is seeking justice in an appeal to the United States Supreme Court regarding a lawsuit relating to the death of her husband, Louis Neil Mariani, who was a passenger on United Airlines, flight 175 on September 11, 2001.
Ellen is the last person who lost a family member on 9/11 who is still fighting to try to find justice through the courts. She was wrongly shut out of her own case but she is fighting to reopen and get back into her case as a party. Every other person who lost a loved one on 9/11 either took the government “hush money” and agreed not to sue in court or else when they did try to litigate they were bullied, pressured and/or manipulated by the court into settling their case without a trial. Not one of those (approximately 100) cases has been allowed to go to trial. (What is the court afraid of? That the truth will come out?)
It has been Ellen’s pursuit of truth
through the courts that has caused her the greatest
problems. The system which was
established for redressing the survivors of 9/11 victims was designed to
quickly compensate claimants with money in exchange for no-fault settlements,
and loss of rights to ever sue anyone who was possibly liable. The court has been hostile to Ellen’s position
which was to refuse to take the money and to instead try to find truth and
justice through the judicial process.
Ellen's rights were disregarded and the cases relating to the estate of her husband was wrongly settled over her strong objections. Also, both Ellen and her lawyer, Bruce Leichty, were threatened with sanctions by the court after she filed briefs disclosing conflicts of interest of the judge overseeing the case and of the probate court administrator of her husband’s estate.
Ellen Mariani, however, has not given up and she has appealed to the US Supreme Court with a Petition For Writ Of Certiorari. This may be the last hope that she has of ever really finding truth and justice in the United States court system. (More information about Ellen’s appeal can be found at: www.marianilawsuit.com.)
Please sign this petition to show solidarity with Ellen and to send a message that the justices of the US Supreme Court should allow Ellen’s appeal to proceed.