Eliminator Forum Petition

241 signers. Add your name now!
241 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The "Eliminator Forum" is a forum on FanFiction.net that is dedicated to finding and reporting fics that "violate" the terms and agreements between the writer and FanFiction.net. The rules of FanFiction.net are very loosely written and could be interpreted in many ways. When a writer interprets a rule, they may think the story they have written doesn't break it, but because of the lack of details in the rules, a member of The Eliminators may have a different stance and interpretation on said rule, causing them to "attack" that story and report it for breaking the rules. While the concept of the Eliminators sounds generally good, the actuality is that these members are putting themselves up on an invisible pedestal. The Eliminators think they can't be touched and what they are doing is necessary for the running of FanFiction. When someone who has been contacted by an Eliminator asks why their story was reported for abuse, they are occasionally attacked and bullied by some of these Eliminators. This causes unnecessary stress for the writers to the point where it is doing mental harm for some. When a writer tries to inquire more information on why their fic was reported on the forum and don't post in the "correct thread" they are again attacked and occasionally banned from posting for a few days. If this bullying is not stopped now, there will come a point and time in the future where someone harms themselves of others because of it. We need to put an end to the forum now if we want to prevent suicide from happening; It happens all too often because of Cyber-bullying and I'd like to save FanFiction.net from being added to the list. When someone has a complaint against the Eliminators and posts it, without attacking any members and staying true to their point, the post is edited and the poster is banned for a certain amount of time. This violates the first amendment of the United States Constitution, Freedom Of Speech. If we are unable to say what we want without the post being rude or unreasonable, then the Eliminators are no better than a Fascist government that censors speech and tries to oppose their own will upon others. The point of this petition is to Ban and Remove the "Eliminator Froum" from FanFiction.net for the following reasons.... 1.1- Violating the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, Freedom of Speech. 1.2- Cyber-bullying Please take the time to sign the petition and protect the writers of FanFiction.net

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