Unban Elemntal from iO servers

This petition is concerning the recent ban on my good friend, and a friend to many regular iO member, Elemntal. To my full knowledge, which covers a great deal of the subject matter, his only offense against the community was getting better at the game until to some, his skill was questionable enough that it deserved a ban. I for one think it completely unfair and unwarranted to ban someone who has simply put the hours into playing with this community for so long. He simply put, has nothing to gain by hacking.
Those of us who got to know Ele while he played here, which to my knowledge was over a year, know full well that his goal was never to be amazing at TF2, nor was it to grief and/or anger any other player, but it was to enjoy the company of those friends he had here. The rest of you who did not know him, did not care to know him, and passed judgment on him based on your extremely narrow experience in TF2 should be ashamed of yourselves. Not only have the majority of those whom I am speaking of never spent more than an hour in a competitive TF2 environment where the vast majority of players have skill surpassing what you think possible, but I suspect most do not even care to evaluate his skill beside any practiced and dedicated TF2 player because of some convoluted sense of jealousy or hate.
A community is built entirely upon the interests of its members, not its leaders, and in terms of who you would want in a gaming community there is no finer example than Ele. I never saw him say anything to any player ingame that lead me to believe he was being spiteful, vicious, or attempting to incite anger. He's without a doubt the most down to earth TF2 player that you can meet. Combine that with his skill level and he becomes the perfect gaming community member. I've made alot of friends here in the iO servers, and a few enemies, but those of you who know me well know that I'm not serious in game, but when it comes to ruining a friends experience here then things get serious. It is a personal outrage to myself and I'm certain to most of his friends, and on behalf of him and those of us who love playing with Ele I hope you reconsider your decision to ban him based on the false assumption he is hacking.