Mansfield Elementary kids IN school DAILY!

We petition that all elementary students and especially K-3 students be in school EVERY DAY. We understand the need for hybrid and think having our youngest learners in school for half days EVERY DAY would be a huge benefit over the currently proposed 2 days in, 3 days asynchronous hybrid model. We believe that the best interest of children’s education is always to be in the classroom. Children would benefit more from 2 1/2 hours of face to face explicit education than 2 days on and 3 days asynchronous. This will allow them to grow their skills academically and socially in a developmentally appropriate environment. Half days would allow teachers to teach all lessons in person and asynchronous time could be the independent practice. More academics could be covered this way than with the current hybrid model. Elementary kids should not be sitting in front of screens without teacher support for three days a week! We see neighboring towns successfully implementing this schedule and question why it is not happening in Mansfield!
This model is supported by the Mansfield Educators Association for the students at the Robinson School (K-2).
Please share your own experiences and request half day hybrid by emailing the School Committee and the Superintendent!