Haitian People's Appeal for Fair Elections
Brian Concannon 0

Haitian People's Appeal for Fair Elections

71 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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71 people have signed. Add your voice!
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(vesyon kreyol anba- Haitian Kreyol version below) We the political parties, civil society organizations, and citizens launching this appeal, strongly denounce the acts of corruption, immorality, blackmailing and political mayhem of the country's leaders and the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), which are plunging the country into a tumultuous mess of an election masquerade. We give voice to this appeal to say no to the wasteful plunder of public funds. This means the misuse of tax monies collected from impoverished, hardworking, honest citizens. We loudly raise our voices to say no to the immoral actions of government authorities who have turned the National Palace into the office of a political party and an office of dishonesty, treachery, conspiracies and graft. We loudly raise our voices to say no to these horrible, illegal and immoral acts, that are killing democracy in our country with the complicity of the international community. We loudly raise our voices to tell President Preval to stop there; we are not going to accept that another sham election takes place in the country. We ask: 1) Vodun Associations, the Catholic Church, Protestant Churches and all other institutions that have representatives in this CEP, in the name of the moral authority that they represent in the society, to remove their representatives from this subservient CEP. 2) Members of Parliament who still have dignity, to join the people and block this anti-popular and anti-democratic machine that is leading the country into chaos. We want: 1) A new CEP that must be organized with the participation of all the political parties and institutions in the civil society that have integrity. 2) This new CEP must accept all political parties to participate in the elections without partisanship. We take this opportunity to launch a patriotic appeal to: 1) All political parties to put the interest of the country above everything else, to stop this election process that does not respect basic democratic rules. 2) Everyone, the entire population, to rise up, to do away with this dishonest CEP. Port-au-Prince, December 3, 2009. Petisyon Rèl pitit peyi a kont KEP la Nou menm Pati Politik, Òganizasyon nan Sosyete sivil la ak sitwayen ki pete kout rèl saa, denonse ak tout fòs nou zak kòripsyon, imoralite, chantay ak briganday politik dirijan peyi a ak KEP saa, ki lage peyi a nan lobèy gagòt maskarad eleksyon. Nou pete kout rèl saa pou nou di non kont tout gaspiyay detounman lajan leta. Sa vle di, move itilizasyon ti kòb taks malere malerèz ak sitwayen onèt kap redi travay. Nou pete kout rèl saa pou nou di non kont zak imoral otorite leta yo ki fè Palè Nasyonal la tounen lokal yon pati politik ak biwo magouy tout kalite, trayizon, konplo, machanday elatriye. Nou pete kout rèl saa pou nou di non kont zak makawon, ilegal, imoral sa yo, k’ap asasinen demokrasi nan peyi a ak konplisite kominote entenasyonal la. Nou pete kout rèl saa pou nou di Prezidan Preval kanpe la, nou p’ap asepte lòt eleksyon fo mamit òganize ankò nan peyi a. Nou mande : 1)Asosiyasyon Vodouizan yo, legliz katolik, legliz pwotestan ak tout lòt enstitisyon ki gen reprezantan yo nan KEP saa, onon fòs moral yo senbolize nan sosyete a, retire manm yo nan Konsèy Elektoral restavèk saa. 2)Palmantè ki gen diyite toujou, mete ak pèp la pou bloke machin antipèp, antidemokratik saa, k’ap mennen peyi a nan tchouboum. Nou vle: 1) Yon lòt KEP ki dwe fòme nan tèt ansanm ant tout pati politik ak enstitisyon nan sosyete sivil la, ki respekte tèt yo. 2) Nouvo KEP saa dwe asepte tout pati politik patisipe nan eleksyon yo san pati pri. Nou pwofite lanse yon apèl patriyotik bay: 1) Tout pati politik ki plase entere peyi a anvan tout bagay, pou yo kwape demach eleksyon sa yo ki pa respekte règ jwèt demokratik la. 2) Tout pèp la, tout popilasyon an, leve kanpe, pou chavire KEP malonèt saa. Potoprens 3 desanm 2009 Siyati :


The following Haitian organizations either launched the petition on December 3, 2009, or have confirmed their support as of December 10, 2009: Bureau des Avocats Internationaux BAI (Mario JOSEPH) Collectif d'Action Citoyenne Concertée (Aimer Haïti) Collectif des Juristes Progressistes Haïtiens CJPH Coordination des Actions Démocratiques (Me Camille LEBLANC, Ancien Ministre de la Justice) Dwa Pou Tout Moun (Me Jean Henry CEANT, Notaire Public) Fondation Aristide pour la Démocratie Fondation Trente Septembre FTS Haïti Liberté Kolektif Aksyon pou Defann Anplwaye Viktim KADAV Mouvement Paysan Fonds des Blancs Plateforme Action Démocratique AD Plateforme Alternative (KID, OPL, FUSION) Platfom Nasyonal Oganizasyon de Baz ak Viktim Leta yo PLONBAVIL Réseau National Multiplicateur Famille Lavalas RONMFL Union


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