The founding fathers made the constitution for a reason, that reason is so “we the people” have the power to pick the leader for our country. Voting is the way all of the citizens of the U.S.A chose their leader. By having the Electoral College, where representatives pick the president not the voters, in the electoral system has and will continue to cause problems. n the Electoral College the people in the government vote in the president. Us the people vote with the popular vote, but that vote does not matter towards the election. This is not representation of the people. There are many problems that could happen. Like if the popular vote (the popular vote is when you count each person’s vote) is greater for 1 candidate than the other like for example if president 1 has 200,000 popular votes and president 2 has 199,999 but the electoral college votes 270 to president 2 he got less popular votes but still won. That is bad because the American people voted for president 1 but president 2 got elected because one of the people in the Electoral College had an opinion so they voted on who they wanted not whom the state wanted. As you might know already in the 2000 election it was Al Gore VS. Gorge Bush, some of the people in the Electoral College had chosen who they had wanted to pick instead of what the state wanted. In the election bush won but al gore won the popular vote these were the stats: popular vote: Bush 50,460,110, Gore 51,003,926. So Gore won the popular vote. Electoral vote: Bush 271, Gore 266. So that means more people wanted gore to win but some of the people in the electoral college wanted bush to win so they broke the LAW to get what THEY wanted.For this to be solved and never happen again is if the legislative branch can make a law/ amendment saying that electoral colleges are banned. This amendment would give the election up to the people’s votes and not peoples biased opinions. This would give the possibility of picking a minority president. This would end all of the “faithless electors.” faithless electors are the electors who are in the electoral college who take your vote into consideration when they put in their vote. they do not have to use your vote thought. If this is put into action your president will be picked by solely you. There will be no more possibilities of faithless electors.