Elect Hillary Clinton

Help elect Clinton. More people voted for Clinton than for Trump - but the Electoral College chose him, disobeying the Consitution...and our rights as American voters.
Yes, Donald Trump was elected President, but is unfit and dangerous to our country and the rest of the world. Let us elect Hillary Clinton now, however!
Mexicans are bringers of crime, according to Trump. Clinton has comforted Mexicans during her campaign. Google their stances...compare them. Who is more qualified? Sign now.
If not to stop Trump, to help Clinton. If not to help Clinton, to stop Trump. He wants to punish women for abortion, he wants to harm immigrants (especially Mexicans), he wants to do many things that violate the Constitution's wishes, documented or not - stop him!
And if you Google, "elect hillary petition," you will find another, bigger change.org petition which I implore you to sign as well.
Also, tweet #ElectHillaryClintonPetition right now!