Petition to Re-instate the Detailed Legislative History Tables on E-Laws

In the interests of maintaining the integrity of our statutory research tools into perpetuity, the undersigned individual herein humbly request that the E-Laws editorial team be instructed forthwith that they shall not discontinue the Detailed Legislative History Tables until a suitable replacement research tool can be found.
As advanced users of legal information, who conduct research on behalf of lawyer, judges, law professors and students, and as teachers of the next generation of lawyers, we are opposed to the discontinuation of this research tool, particularly insofar as an alternative has not yet been devised.
No technology upgrade should result in a loss of functionality - upgrades should achieve the goal of maintaining and enhancing existing functionality. This project should not have been made live until a suitable solution was devised, and after appropriate consultation with stakeholders.
To read the full draft of the letter visit: http://www.uwindsor.ca/law/library/291/petition-reinstate-ontario-e-laws-detailed-legislative-history-tables