Bertie Ahern must resign
Have you had enough of Bertie Ahern\'s lies, obfuscation and ineptitude I\'m calling on him to resign immediately. If you agree, you can help by signing this petition. Let\'s see if the power of the net can be used to bring about badly needed political responsibility. The results of this petition will be sent to the Taoiseach\'s Office, government ministers and anywhere else that I can get it published. How much more damage will be done to this country if we have to wait anothr 10 years for the Mahon Tribunal to \'do it\'s work\' It\'s time that we took back OUR democracy from politicians who are only making a joke of us. Politicians need to know that the day of spin-doctoring is coming to an end. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose nor will any contact be made with you unless you request it. I am not involved in promoting anything else of this nature. PLEASE TELL A FRIEND.