EECE 410L Final exam Issue
Ali Zeineddine 0

EECE 410L Final exam Issue

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ali Zeineddine 0 Comments
51 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This petition is to be shared with Dr. Sara Khaddaj, Dr. Sami karaki, and Dr. Kaissi about the recent decision taken by EECE 410L team concerning the final exam.

Our main points as ECE/CCE third year students objecting this decision are:

  • According to AUB rules and regulations, it is not allowed that the course instructor(s) modify(ies) the Syllabus after the Add and Drop period. For students, the Syllabus is a contract between them and the instructors. There are certain percentages set at the beginning of every semester on purpose so that each student can approximate his or her grade and abide by a certain flow of study in order to pass the course with a certain grade. Therefore, it is not acceptable to have any modification that the students are not aware of.
  • It is not acceptable to remove most of the questions of the Final Exam because some students might have practiced on a certain type of questions and not another and might have done well on the questions that were removed following your decision.
  • The questions were circulated as practice for students, regardless of where they come from. There was no way to know that it was obtained illegally since it is not the first time that such “previous” is circulated. The whole purpose of having a previous exam at hand is to approximate the type of questions that will come in their exam; there was no way to know that the majority of questions would come in the Final Exam.
  • It is very strict to penalize and blame the whole student body when the instructors should be the ones changing the exam year after year. It is very extreme to blame our Class when in fact the questions have been circulating since very long.

Accordingly, we request to to take back the unfair decisions that will have harsh consequences on students, and to treat students registered in EECE 410L according to the syllabus.

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