Edu4: 4 children, 4 the public, 4 social justice, 4 the future

We are education scholars, students, teachers, and citizens who support worldwide democratic efforts that demand economic and social justice.
Access to decent education is a fundamental human right that the federal and state courts have recognized as essential to the maintenance and flourishing of a democratic society. Therefore, we oppose the current institutional structure which, instead of taxing the wealthy, diverts millions of dollars from education and denies meaningful educational opportunities, especially, to millions of low income and minority students.
Equally, we oppose today’s “educational reforms” that embrace corporate ideologies and advance privatization while undermining public education. Especially, we oppose NCLB’s test-driven education that truncates, rather than expands, the possibilities of teaching and learning.
We extend our support to a vision of building an education system that works for children, for the public, for social justice, and for the future. We thus declare our solidarity with any movement that exercises the right of all citizens of a democratic society to demand economic and social justice.
[Please join the conversation at http://www.education4.org/]
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