Denis Morris Electronic Devices Policy
Issue: Denis Morris High School has recently enforced a policy regarding electronic devices. The policy states that if electronic devices such as cell phones, IPODs, MP3 players or other devices are found on school property, before, during and after school hours, they will be confiscated for a period of one month and on second offense for a period of a semester. Objective: To create a compromise between the student body and administration regarding electronic devices. Society has become more dependent on electronics, such as cell phones for security and mobility and music players such as MP3 players and IPODs for comfort and entertainment purposes. In addition, cell phones have proven to be used in emergency situations such as after school incase of injury where student is alone, or also in a situation where a student is kidnapped or threatened. In example, the Columbine Highschool shootings would have been much more of a disaster, if it were not for students with cell phones. We, as students and parents, feel that this policy should be changed to better suit today