EDawg878 Staff Dilemma

Hello, I am an anonymous EDawg878 player and it recently came to my attention that the new staff members and old staff members are become either inactive or just not warning others. They are not doing their jobs at all and they cannot seem to function properly. I'm really disappointed in staff members now. I don't know why they were chosen if they cannot do their jobs. The main issue with staff is in the Moderator range of things. I am fond of the Admins and Owners and are friends with a few of them but all the moderators are going wild. I don't understand why this is occurring and I think something needs to be done in order to keep this server functioning. For example, the moderator Courtney or Rifthold warned an admin for an unnecessary reason. "happy/bitchiness" is an unacceptable thing to be said in chat by a moderator. Another example is Sophh missed multiple warns in chat because she was socializing and after it was pointed out to them multiple times she didn't warn them until somebody threw shade at them then they made up an excuse that was not even accurate because we saw what they were doing. I hope this comes to the attention of the owner or any staff members. Thanks <3