Economic equity in charging iRacing prices for non-US players
José Morelli 0

Economic equity in charging iRacing prices for non-US players

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iRacing should charge more friendly prices for Latin American Sim players. A subscription of the basic package in Brazil with our currency undervalued in the latter years make iRacing for fans here almost impracticable. I imagine this also affects other latin-american countries and sim players outside US territory.

It doesn't seem intelligent at all to make the same prices for north-american and latin-american sim players when there is an abyss in currency valuation. There must be a policy of equity regarding the access to this service.

Currently, an one-year deal with regular prices (not considering the first year membership) is completely out of any reality for brazilian players. $110 equals nowadays R$ 660,00 in Brazil (this without mentioning built-in taxes for imports of foreign services). This price is completely disproportionate.

iRacing's offer on a global scale should be carried out in a more rational way, without focusing into US market only.

If you only focus on US players, it simply means iRacing doesn't want to become a bigger company fit for Globalization. It means that only one nationality or some limited nationalities have the right to access a simulator and others can't on a time where you find simulator players every where in the Planet who would love to appreciate this service. What kind of ideology is this where a product of international capacity is used by only a portion of consumers?

There has to be a way to manage a better business where there is equity in access to the product regardless of the currency quality from the countries where iRacing is offered. We do not want to pay less than the American public, we only want to pay in the same proportion as the American consumer public.

Therefore, I make this petition for the iRacing simulator team to carry out a market research where the product offer is considered to be less abusive for the Brazilian public and eventually for other Latin American countries where currencies are devalued against the Dollar.


José Eduardo Morelli

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