Petition against the cutting of sports at Eastern
phil naegely 0

Petition against the cutting of sports at Eastern

90 signers. Add your name now!
phil naegely 0 Comments
90 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Are you fed up that Eastern cut sports teams. The citizens asked the Board of Ed not to, or at least make it pay to play. As an avid bowler, I believe it is ridiculous that Eastern disassembled bowling, swimming, indoor track, golf, and competition cheerleading.
Eastern can cut other things instead of these sports to make up for budget deficits please support the cause.
Kids make friends, have fun, and learn life skills through the sports they participate in the sports. Also, the coaches make a relationship with each and every kid they coach.
On the other hand,by cutting sports, the school is hurting the places where the participants practice at and compete at. For example, in golf the golf course will lose money if high schools were to cut sports. Likewise, bowling alleys will take a hit if there are no high school teams to bowl at the alley
In closing, the sport cuts do not just affect the students and coaches alike, but also the businesses that chose to support the teams.


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