Masood Family: Fake Muslims, EastEnders.

I'm sure none of you would like to see some TV Soap directing your religion inappropriately! That's why you need to sign this Petition so you can stop this right away. How would you feel if the Soap (EastEnders) was to mock your religion I'm sure you will feel hurt just as I, we Muslims are. In the Soap they go against all the religions rules that were made by God. How can a TV Soap all of a sudden be changing Gods words and commands, and the hideous thing about it, is that its only acting. Basically, the Masood's who are being played by non-Muslims are Muslims in the Soap but not in real life. What gives them the right to use Islam to act out The EastEnders directors, producers find it very creative to use Islam to act out Well we MUSLIMS don't! That's just another way of giving the non-Muslims a chance to accuse us of bad people. The ways they act do make us look bad. I as well as all the Muslims out there find this major matter very offensive and racist. The Masood's, they are breaking every law and making Islam look bad, for example Masood was fasting in the month of Ramadan and he just decides to eat; break his fast. This isn't polite, professional acting this will also suggest to a Muslim its okay to eat while your fasting which is totally incorrect. So I am asking all my Muslim brothers and sisters to sign this Petition and make a stop to this. We cannot have some TV Soap take fun out of our religion and makes us look bad people. This is very racist. Let�s Stop This..! Anyone can sign...! Many Thanks.