I Support Gov. Elect Dayton & Early Medicaid Opt-In!
I Stand with Governor Elect Dayton in Support of Early Medicaid Opt-in! Governor-Elect Dayton has the unique opportunity to provide health care to 100,000 low-income adults in Minnesota while creating jobs and saving money in the process. The early Medicaid opt-in under the Affordable Care Act (the new federal health care law) will provide a better set of health care benefits, at a lower cost, to 100,000 low-income adults in Minnesota. It will also bring $1.2 billion in federal funds to the state, providing financial stability to hospitals across Minnesota. The early Medicaid opt-in would make Minnesota the first state in the nation to expand Medicaid at this scale under the Affordable Care Act -- once again making us a national leader in health care. Governor-Elect Dayton has made clear his commitment to sign the early Medicaid opt-in, but current state officials are seeking to slow this process down, depriving thousands of Minnesotans of reliable health coverage for months. Governor-elect Dayton: Thank you for your support of the early Medicaid opt-in and making health coverage available to 100,000 Minnesotans as soon in 2011 as you are able. I stand with you in supporting health care for every Minnesotan!