Early Childhood Tuition Adjustment

To :Robert Deden - President, Board of Trustees
Sherry Herron - Head Of School
Dear administrators,
We understand those are unprecedented times and that communities have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting school closures. As parents we first want to recognize the school's efforts to transition to remote learning and commend the remarkable work done by our teachers to capture our kids' attention during our daily thirty minutes of circle time. We also do appreciate the goal of the school to retain its staff during those difficult time.
However, we do not feel it is appropriate for the school to expect full tuition to be paid for the months of April and May as enrollment agreements have not been honored.
Unfortunately thirty minutes of daily circle time does not correspond to half-day or full-day classes. As such, we ask the school to review its tuition policy for the early childhood classes for the month of April and May based on the instruction effectively given. Options such as lowered tuition for those months, or full tuition with credits to be applied for the 2020-21 school year are options to be considered, as considered by other schools and recommended by the Independent School Management Association
We are confident the school will understand our position as parents, as it strives to uphold its reputation as a fair learning community.