Hi, I'm Lauren Kennedy and I am from Roswell, GA. I am a senior at Roswell High School and I'm 17 years old. Since I am a relatively new driver I have come across a few frightening situations. Personally, I think there is nothing scarier than driving while the radio is on and then suddenly a horn or siren sound effect is played on the radio. Then you frantically look in all of your rear view mirrors to find out where it is coming from. After realizing it is only the radio and you are not getting pulled over you wonder why they would even play the sound in the first place. So, I did the research for you. In 2009, there was an act passed called CALM. Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation. This prevented radio stations to increase the volume of their advertisements. But the radio stations also use horns when talking about traffic reports, cars or just to get your attention. The bottom line is it is not safe. Driving is not an easy thing and having additional distractions does not help anyone. With signing this petition you are helping me show our Senators that we will not tolerate radio stations playing siren and horn sound effects. I appreciate your interest! Please check out my Facebook, Twitter and WordPress websites! https://twitter.com/#!/EAFESORlaw http://eafesorlaw.wordpress.com/ On Facebook, search EAFESOR