EACS Charging New Fees Without Notifying Parents

Parents began receiving textbook rental statements on October 11th, 2016. Parents were NEVER informed of a new fee charged for IPADs of $131.13 per child if your child is in grade 7 and up. The district chose to add an Apple Care package to each IPAD without giving the people paying for it a choice! This is a far cry from the $30.00 fee we have paid in years past. The district cannot expect families with multiple children to pay all of these added fees, and give us no alternative! Please sign the petition and send a message to our school board that this is NOT acceptable! All parents are encouraged to attend the school board meeting on November 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. located at the Administration building, 1240 State Road 930 E. New Haven IN, 46774. Together we can make our dissatisfaction known!