EA Sports need to fix their servers!
Max Hammersworth 0

EA Sports need to fix their servers!

81 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Max Hammersworth 0 Comments
81 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello everybody, as you already know - EA Sports introduced a Competitive Mode in this year's new FIFA game, FUT Champions.

After 6 months from release, and having server issues every weekend, EA Sports hasn't done anything yet and still tells all the players, that their Internet connections are the problem, but everyone knows that it isn't the case.

You know that moment when you're winning a game and then this comes up: "You have lost connection to EA Sports", how often have we already seen this message this year? It even happens when matches are finished!

We all complain on different forums but we don't really show EA Sports how many people aren't even enjoying the game anymore because of these issues.

I think that we can at least try and reach to EA Sports through this petition - because every year we're paying big amounts of money, by only buying the game, so think about all the people out there spending money for FIFA points - and we still have server issues every weekend, even sometimes through out the week.

Help the community out and sign this petition, let's see if we can wake EA Sports up with this one!

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