Dyslexic help for grown ups

My name is Joshua Bell and I have severe Dyslexia.
Even though I was diagnosed with Dyslexia when I was 8 years old
I still left full time education not able to read better than a six year old.
In primary school the extra help amounted to an extra half hour a day
reading which didn't help the reasons behind my Dyslexia.
On starting Secondary School I was put in a specially formed class
for other students with issues similar to mine. Although this was intended
to actually help us, what happened was we were taught separately from
everyone else and became split from the rest of the school. The teachers
also did not have specific training for our needs and as such we were set
work to do and left to get on with it. This led to extremely poor exam results
and a limited choice for further education.
I am far from stupid and want to achieve things in my life, but not being able to
read has held me back all my life.
Ever since I have become an Adult I have struggled to find the help I need as
all help for Dyslexia seems to geared at children. if I could read I could then
read and learn , retake my exams and get some qualifications.
So my petition is for better facilities for Adults with Dyslexia such as regular
reading classes with qualified Tutors who under stand the problems with face.
I am sure that there are many people out there who struggle with this problem
which is both frustrating and debilitating .