DXM Awareness
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

This is a petition to ask the US goverment to increase public awareness of the threat of DXM abuse. this is not a petition for any sort of regulation or laws to be made, yet. We just want there to be some sort of commitment and response from the goverment on this issue. We want our senators to know that this is a concern of ours. We would like to eventually decrease the availability of this drug.
Spondered by the DXM Awareness Group.
President - Robert A. Kraft III
http://www.coricidinhbp.com/content/info/abuse/cor_abuse_info.htm - Triple C (Coricidin, Cough and Cold) website. Information on DXM Abuse.
www.dxmstories.org - Partnership for a Drug Free America\'s website on DXM Abuse.
http://www.usdoj.gov/ndic/pubs11/11563/index.htm -- National Drug Intelligence Center bulletin on DXM.
http://leda.lycaeum.org/ID=9299 -- Article on DXM Abuse related Brain Damage. Brain Damage, like Rocky had, only you ain\'t Rocky.
Home for D.A.G. -- http://elmhurst.facebook.com/group.phpgid=2212266344