Dual Citizenship with Lithuania | Dviguba Pilietybe su Lietuva
Mathew Stanevicius 0

Dual Citizenship with Lithuania | Dviguba Pilietybe su Lietuva

3722 signers. Add your name now!
Mathew Stanevicius 0 Comments
3722 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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WE BESEECH THE GOVERNMENT OF LITHUANIA TO ALLOW DUAL CITIZENSHIP! Many nations allow dual citizenship. We, the undersigned, beseech the Government of Lithuania to allow all Lithuanians born in Lithuania, their children and their grandchildren holding citizenships of other countries, to have Lithuanian citizenship, thereby, binding them with special ties to the land of their forefathers for all times. PRASOM LIETUVOS VIRIAUSYBES - LEISTI TURETI DVIGUBA PILIETYBE! Daugybe valstybiu pripazista dviguba pilietybe. Uztat mes, zemiau pasirasiusieji, kreipiames i Lietuvos vyriausybe, nuosird


Lithuanian Canadian Community (LCC) Kanados Lietuviu Bendruomene (KLB) 1 Resurrection Road Etobicoke, Ontario M9A 5G1 C A N A D A Tel. + 1 416 533 3292 http://www.klb.org


http://www.klb.org http://www.lrv.lt www.lithuanianembassy.ca http://www.canada.lt www.canada.gc.ca http://www.plbe.org http://www.kljs.org http://www.sklis.org www.lithuaniansofbc.com www.montrealiolietuviai.org http://www.tzib.com http://www.uzsielovadas.org http://www.omni.lt/zodynai * links below do not support LCC * nuorodos apacioje neremia KLB veikla -------------------------------
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