Aurelia Mack 0

Breaking The Silence For The Women of the Congo

30 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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30 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Engaging all People of Good Conscience SHE has been sexually violated, ostracized and stigmatized by the shame of being raped in front of her husband and children. She and her children now live in the bushes surrounding the village she once called home. Her only crime? Being a woman. When the woman is raped, brutalized and dehumanized, her children are left helpless and alone, and the morale of the society is broken. She is the bedrock of society, she is the nurturer of life. When she is broken, society is broken. How can the world ignore this vicious cycle of violence and hate that continues to consume a people and rob them of their basic rights as human beings? The Atlanta Million Woman Walk for Congo seeks to engage all people of good conscience in bringing an end to this tragedy. “When we solve war we solve illiteracy, when we solve illiteracy we solve poverty … when we solve poverty we solve corruption … these are the greatest of our Nation’s problems,” writes Katherine Dabo in War in the Heart of Africa: Congo on its knees as Women & Children continue to pay the highest Price. “I am here today to extend a national call to the churches, which I believe God has laid on my heart to do. The DR of Congo is in a state of emergency. It is urgent that African Americans understand the plight of the Congolese people and feel it a moral duty to look into the situation in our country… not only Congo but Africa as a whole because Africa is the home of their ancestors.” Calling on this Generation to Stand as One THE TIME IS NOW. Calling on this generation – adults, youths, students, women, men, children – of all races, religions, cultures and from all walks of life TO STAND AS ONE in calling for AN END to Africa’s Forgotten War: more than 6 million dead, 48 women raped every hour. “Please, pay attention to the call for our participation in the Atlanta Million Women March on March 23rd 2013 – It is designed to draw attention to the crisis in east Congo DRC as it continues to impact women, girls and children and families in particular. I know Congo seems so far away–out of sight, out of mind. But please know the power of your voice, even moreso, the power of your PRESENCE can be as effective as it was in the dismantling of Apartheid in South Africa. Rape and violence against our sisters, who struggle courageously to form family units, raise children, and survive the dangers and instability of war, continues to be the most effective weapon of those seeking wealth from precious minerals that support cell phones, laptops, and other critical technologies. If you cannot come, PLEASE, tweet, and share DAILY. Help up make this call to action go viral!!!“ - Ramona Tascoe on Facebook There is power in numbers. CONGO needs you. ONE MILLION voices speaking up as ONE.


Aurelia Mack

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