Bring Meatless Monday to Duke

We, the undersigned students and Duke community, ask that Duke University adopt Meatless Monday, an international non-profit
initiative established to encourage healthier and more sustainable
eating, one step at a time.
Reducing intake of animal products can help lessen carbon footprints: a
recent article on the United Nations report stated that “A global shift
towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel
poverty and the worst impacts of climate change.”*
The county of Durham recently proclaimed all Mondays as “Meatless
Mondays.” In addition, over 60 colleges across the US have implemented the Meatless Monday program in their cafeterias.
By adopting Meatless Monday, Duke dining will offer, in addition to their
standard options, vegan meal options for each standard offering on
Mondays. We ask that these options be highlighted by way of promotional
efforts on campus such as signs within dining services and on campus.
We further encourage dining staff to mention or highlight these options
to students.
Thank you for your consideration.
* http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/02/un-report-meat-free-diet