Appeal for further revision of DU datesheet- Eco Part III

The Vice Chancellor
University of Delhi
April 10, 2011
Dear Sir
This is with reference to the revised date-sheet for students of B.A (H) Economics - Part III. A revision of the earlier date-sheet had been requested on account of paper no. 9 - Development Theory and Experience coinciding with the JNU entrance examination for M.A Economics.
While we appreciate the University’s move to accommodate our request, what we fail to understand is the rescheduling of paper no. 9 (Development Theory and Experience) and paper no. 17 (International Economics) to as early as 5th May and 10th May respectively.
The new schedule has put us in further difficulty because of the following reasons:
1.Under the new schedule, the papers commence eight days earlier than scheduled originally. We lose out on a substantial amount of preparation time.
2.There is no basis for shifting paper no. 17(International Economics) from 9th June to 10th May and it completely disturbs our preparatory mode.
3. Paper no. 10 (Indian Agriculture and Industry) and Paper no. 17 (International Economics) are held consecutively on 9th May and 10th May respectively, thus leaving students who have opted for these papers no time for revision.
4.The University term officially ends on April 27th, expecting us to write university exams within just a week of preparatory leave is quite difficult. Also, this is pressurizing teachers to finish the course hastily (as classes are still going on).
The entire basis of the revision was to accommodate the need of third year students to manage both University’s as well as entrance exams. However, the revised date-sheet puts us in a worse situation.
We request you that the rescheduling be reasonable and not as early as two weeks or a month(as in the case of paper no. 17). We are requesting this because the nature of the rescheduling creates difficulty for us.
The undersigned appeal to the university to take note of the problems highlighted in this petition.