DSU Alumni Homecoming 2015 Petition

We, the alumni of Delaware State University, whom have spent our early years studying, playing sports and ultimately graduating from the university, would like to propose a change of the evening venues for Homecoming 2015. Many of us live out-of-state and will be traveling long-distance to participate in homecoming. With two of the alumni events being held at a small local bar in Dover, Delaware, we do not feel that this type of venue will attract the right crowd. In prior years, we attended upscale venues such as the Duncan Center, Sheraton and Dover Downes. Also, there are very limited options for our "seasoned" alumni vs. young alumni and the one venue for "legacy" alumni, ends very early at 1 a.m. compared to the ending time of the student evening events. We'd like to propose the use of the Sheraton Ballroom for the Saturday evening event as it already currently leased by DSU or propose longer time for events to be held on campus for the alumni.
Thank you for your attention!
Delaware State University Alumni