Drug Test the US Congress

We pay their salaries. They are supposed to do our bidding. They are supposed to be responsible. The past few years have shown us that the American congress is clearly not working. Yet we continue to send them to the House and the Senate, and they continue to fail us. It's time for taking action. It's time to find out what is going on.
Drug test congress.
Almost every occupation in our country stipulates the person applying for the job be tested for drugs and alcohol use. During employment, they are continually subjected to the possibility of being asked to undergo this humiliating procedure. If a janitor at a gardening supply store needs to have his urine examined on an intermittent basis, consider the level of responsibility to which we trust our elected officials. Yet we have no idea what they've been drinking, what kind of prescription drugs they are taking, or what kind of controlled substance flow through their blood streams.
This is an unacceptable situation.
We pay their salaries. We have a right to make sure they are performing their assigned duties in a sober frame of mind. If any senator or representative is getting drunk on company time than they need to be called out and put into rehab or at the very least sent to the unemployment line.
We, as tax paying Americans, have a right to put an end to the constant party attitude in DC. If the employers of the janitor discussed earlier have a right to test him for drug usage, then we have a DUTY to check our senators and representatvies for drugs.
Our government is clearly broken. It's time to find the stoners, the prescription drug abusers, and the rank alcoholics and get them out of the machine. If they want to party that's fine, just not on MY (our YOUR) dime.
Nothing can operate effectively when it's operator is inebriated. The car crash that has become our government NEEDS sober drivers. We can start by finding and eliminating those members of congress who can not show up for work in a sober, straight frame of mind, and those members who are looped on illicit or prescription drugs.
Please sign the following petition. Start treating the American Aristocracy in the same manner they've been treating the American worker.