Drugs Testing for Politicians Now
Daniel Waterman 0

Drugs Testing for Politicians Now

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Daniel Waterman 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We are all familiar with the arguments against drug use and claims concerning the harmfulness of so-called illegal drugs and their detrimental effects, amongst others, on judgment. 

Yet while drugs testing has been advocated for sports and schoolchildren, the people who make policy have miraculously avoided testing. This despite the fact that political office potentially offers many opportunities for politicians and policy-makers to cause immense harm. This is why they are presumed to be of impeccable character. This is also why politicians are not above the law. Ultimately, this is also why, we, the electorate, have a right to know who our elected leaders are, what they really think and do, and whether they consider the laws and regulative measures they endorse applicable to themselves as well as to 'ordinary people.'

Laws such as those that make drinking and driving an offense are based on the wisdom that people who are engaged in activities that require sound judgment and self-control ought not to compromise their ability to do so. And if we are to believe the media, drug use, including alcohol and even tobacco, can compromise judgment and undermine people's integrity to a shocking degree. 

Yet drug use is endemic in many areas of modern society where people in positions of power and influence make decisions that have important consequences for our health, safety and freedom. Think of recent media reports detailing cocaine use amongst stockbrokers. 

There is absolutely no reason why drug use should not also have penetrated to the highest offices of government and military. And as such, the facts ought to be available to the public.

Moreover, it is a matter of simple morality that politicians ought to give the right example to the public by taking drug tests. They advocate them for us, so lets give them their due!

Yet politicians are obviously not in favour of drugs testing for themselves and have resisted it for years. Here is another example.

This petition is not for or against drug criminalization per se. We recognise that drug use exists and we demand openness from our leaders concerning to what degree the policies they endorse might be influenced by their preferences for mind-altering substances, including so-called legal drugs — alcohol and tobacco — and prescription medications such as Ritalin, Prozac etc. These are all considered mind-altering substances and since politicians work with their minds, we have a right to know what drugs they may be taking that are interfering with or influencing their values and judgments.

Regardless of whether you are for or against continued criminalisation of drug use, I believe this is one issue that unites us all. 

Demand obligatory drugs testing for politicians now! Make drugs testing mandatory for all politicians everywhere!



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