Gabrielle Castro 0

Drop Smoking Now

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13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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What do we all know about smoking? Does it pleasure you? Does it give you a great feeling? All those good stuff are gonna cost you your life. And I'm here to help you stop.

I am only a Grade 9 student and maybe, just maybe, I might not know about a lot of what adults--and other teenagers--do. But here's my point. All I want you to do is quit smoking. Yes, you know how to smoke but do you know what it will cost you? Your life. A stick can reduce up to 11 minutes--as far as I know--of your life. If you die, you will have your precious possessions, such as your families, money, businesses, or any other things you can think of. And if you are so attached to them and you don't like leaving them behind, then stop smoking now!

Our lives are like flowers, beautiful yet, fragile. Make sure to take care of them before they end themselves!

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