Drop Involuntary Manslaughter Charges Against Rose Harrington-Wahlers!!!

http://dailyjournalonline.com/news/local/woman-charged-with-involuntary-manslaughter-in-fatal-accident/article_f9cad072-24d6-11e2-a37f-001a4bcf887a.html Rose has been charged as of this morning with Involuntary Manslaughter resulting from a car accident that occured in Aug. Rose was Not under any influence,etc and had Insurance as she was supposed to.Rose's Ins Co notified her after the accident that the other driver,Wanda Wilson/Williams,did not have any Ins. It is listed on CaseNet that Mrs Wilson/Williams was arrested in 2000 for Driving while License was revoked & failure to submit to a Chem Test,& a DWI.Was arrested again twice in 2007. Once for Driving while license was revoked & another for Driving while license was revoked & failure to submit to a Chem Test. Besides this current charge,Rose has NO criminal history.Rose also has a lawsuit pending against her for wrongful death of this woman. Since When, is it a crime to be in a car accident? Rose was clean and sober in this accident & it is what it's called-An Accident! Rose is an upstanding citizen who works hard & is an excellent mother.It is Wrong in so many ways to put this woman in jail,ruining her Good reputation in result of an accident! Sign this petition to help me stand for whats right in our community!