Drop FLEXMLS and go back to THEMLS

The Palm Springs Association of Realtors Board of Directors is meeting Tuesday, October 1st, to discuss the issues with FLEXMLS. The attached petition is to drop the PSRAR's agreement with FLEXMLS and to go back to THEMLS.
Below are a few reasons we feel this should be done immediately:
1. While FLEXMLS is rich with features they say, it is extremely difficult to navigate.
2. The reports, for example the CMA, is not clean and simple for consumers to understand. The detail reports for agent use are inadequate.
3. The roll out and training provided by FLEXMLS was substandard and minimal compared to the rollout and conversation to THEMLS.
4. FLEXMLS appears to antiquated visually, is not user friendly and is too complicated for most non-technical people to use.
5. THEMLS is much more user friendly.
6. We are realtors and not computer programmers and don't have the time it takes to use the FLEXMLS in the manner to which we were using THEMLS.
7. An MLS system is suppose to enhance the services provided to it's users and their clients, the FLEXMLS system since rollout has done neither.
It's time to get back to work representing our buyers and sellers instead of spending hours attempting to navigate the difficult to use FLEXMLS.