Dreier, Support the DREAM Act

To the Honorable Congressman David Dreier, As you would be aware, the Dream Act does not facilitate the granting of precious rights to the criminal and un-American. Far from it. Rather, it endeavors to assist the honor roll students, star athletes, talented artists, homecoming queens, aspiring teachers, doctors, U.S. soldiers and politicians. These are the young, educated and yet voiceless people who have lived among the best of us, in the United States, and who for most of their lives have desired to call this country their home. Consequently, the Dream Act also supports our communities, the U.S. Armed Forces, and our country’s economy. Firstly, allowing hard working student immigrants access to higher education inspires future generations to truly believe that receiving a college education is plausible and no longer a broken dream. In turn, this boosts the number of high skilled American-raised workers and becomes a great return on money which our local governments have invested in our elementary and secondary school systems. These once undocumented students soon become loyal, taxpaying Americans who contribute a lifetime of revenues at the local, state and federal level and help strengthen the America’s position in the global economy. According to "No DREAMers Left Behind: The Economic Potential of DREAM Act Beneficiaries" these naturalized citizens would further generate 3.6 trillion (current) dollars over a 40-year period within the American economy alone. Secondly, instead of having to accept applicants who are high school dropouts, have low ASVAB scores and criminal backgrounds into the United States Armed Forces and Department of Defense, the Dream Act would naturalize promising immigrant students. These are individuals who have demonstrated a strong desire to be contributing members of our society and enlarge the pool of highly qualified recruits for the U.S Armed Forces. We are not stating that the Dream Act will alter or thwart the flow of immigration. What we are emphasizing is that a failure to present the Act will, in itself, guarantee that undocumented students continue to live on the margins and yet does not hinder their decision to stay within U.S. borders. We conclude by saying that if the Dream Act is not presented during this crucial period, it is likely that another group of outstanding, law-abiding high school students will graduate without hope for planning their futures in this exceptional country. Ultimately, these students—the majority of whom were brought into the United States as children—will be removed from their homes and separated from their family and friends to countries that they have only read about in textbooks. Yet through the hardships they faced in moving to this country and those that they continue to face in higher education and employment, they have only shown grace, confidence, persistency and conviction. Are these not qualities that we value in our own citizens? That is why we need you to vote YES on the DREAM Act and support the incredible youth that would drive our country forward.