Maryland BSL

This message is to urge pitbull owners of a legislature act, that will effect responsible owners who love their pitbulls. Please get involved. BSL (Breed-specific laws) have been ruled unconstitutional and has been proven that any one breed, is any more vicious than another, and would not be legal to target them. It violates the 14th amendment to the constitution. (No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law) Our pets are considered our property. According to the American Temperment Test Society, the pitbull scored higher than the Golden Retriever, Akita, Austrailian Shephard and many others on their temperament test. We own two of the nicest pitbulls ever. They\'ve been raised around children ages 2 and up, sleep in our beds and are very well behaved. They are house dogs and do not know what it is like to be caged or tied outside. I feel that we, and others like us that are responsible pit owners should not suffer for others who improperly handle their dogs. A responsible pit owner can control an act of potential harm before it even occurs. My heart goes out to the child that was recently attacked by the pitbull. But punish the owner of that dog for whatever reason the dog was allowed to become vicious. When these animals are abused and trained to be vicious, sure they become a ticking time bomb. But the same applies to any breed. Don\'t punish us responsible pitbull owners who have control over our dogs. Maryland BSL, Bill No. 70-07 Owners of pitbulls, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, or any mix that contains any of these breeds must: Pay a license fee of $100.00, a pitbull shall be kept in a secure enclosure on the premises, and locked at all times. The owner must post a sign alerting that a pitbull is on the premises. When out of the enclosure, the pitbull is to be muzzled at all times. Locking our dogs and muzzling them, are going to make these dogs mean. To read the legislation entirely go to link: www.baltimorecountycouncil.org We must fight this. Please help stop BSL before our dogs are punished for being born a pitbull. Please sign my petition so we can forward this to the County Council of Balto. Co. Md. to council members Gardina & Oliver. Thank you so much for getting involved, together we can fight this. When raised properly the pitbull is very affectionate, loyal and an exceptional pet.