DREAM Act letter to Harry Reid

November 10, 2010
The Honorable Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Reid:
As advocates for students, underserved communities, immigrants, workers, civil rights and college access, we urge you to remain committed to pushing for a vote on the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, (DREAM) Act during the lame duck session. Every year, an estimated 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school, then are denied their fundamental right to a higher education. The DREAM Act would help to end this injustice by opening the college doors to some of the best and brightest students this country has to offer.
In the 111th Congress, the DREAM Act enjoys the broadest support that it has ever secured in a decade, since it was first introduced from the grassroots level on up to the White House. Despite the heated political rhetoric that surrounds immigration issues, an election eve poll by Latino Decisions continues to show broad support for passage of the DREAM Act with upwards of 70 percent approval for DREAM among the American electorate. Support among Latinos is even greater with 75 percent of Latino voters saying that passing the DREAM Act quickly is extremely or very important. Failure to act on the DREAM Act now will result in losing much of what has been built the past two years. Based off previous votes, deferring the DREAM Act to the 112th Congress will result in increased difficulty for the passage of a key piece of legislation affecting millions of students.
As the 111th Congress comes to an end, the people are demanding action on the DREAM Act. Over the past year, young people both documented and undocumented have conducted a wide variety of direct-action tactics supporting this legislation, including risking deportation, their lives and their families’ well-being by engaging in public civil disobedience. Those directly affected by the DREAM Act, undocumented students themselves, have spoken loud and clear that it must pass now.
The undersigned organizations thank you for your commitment to move forward in the lame duck session of the 111th Congress with the DREAM Act. We appreciate your continued support of immigrant youth and the DREAM Act. Your leadership is necessary in ensuring that this country becomes one where “Education Is A Right”, not a privilege.