Evils of Subeta.org
Laura Reed 0

Evils of Subeta.org

450 signers. Add your name now!
Laura Reed 0 Comments
450 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

SUBETA.ORG seems lovely at first glance, but when you take a look inside, you realize it is filled with copyright violations, sexual innuendo, gay propaganda and satanic icons. The website is aimed for children ages 13-18, but many underage youngsters sign up to raise their own pet or chat on the forums. Subeta is quite similar to Neopets and Gaiaonline. Some people call it the perfect mix. Many of it\'s pets are redesigned directly from Neopets. Many of it\'s items are or resemble direct copies of Disney and Nintendo products, amongst other things. Examples include a doll of Tinkerbell, labeled as \"fairy\", but looking exactly the same; a \"rose under glass\" resembling the rose from Beauty and the Beast; a pokeball; an ocarina; a picture of Amy Lee from Evanescence; Torpedo Ted; Bomb \'Omb; and Starbucks Coffee. Not only will you find copyright violations abundant, but there is gay and satanic propaganda. Their admin, Keith Kurson, is an openly gay, 17-year old, emancipated male. He has been brought up on allegations of child pornography which he did not deny. He is the main creator of the site funneling items with gay/satanic logos and descriptions. Some of these items you may even need to PAY good money for. A so-called item called a \"Sex Berry\", to change your pet\'s gender, is $10. Some may see this as extreme. So how does this site run, why is this iPetition created Because Subeta is abundant with illegal troubles, it\'s created by a mere teenager who cannot protect his users (Subeta has been hacked a tremendous amount of times leading to loss of money and personal information). This teenager lives in LUXURY apartments, emancipated from his parents, admits to underage drinking, drug use and gay sex. There is no doubt he uses user DONATIONS to pay for his lifestyle. He does not pay taxes and claims to own a business despite not having a business license. Subeta is nothing more than a Neopets knock-off, and it\'s admins cannot hold their ground on legal matters. Do a favour for your children, don\'t let them go to this website. Petition with us to have it shut down and taken off the web for good, and hopefully bring about legal consequences to it\'s admin Keith Kurson. Thank you and God Bless.


I am a concerned and avid internet user with young siblings. I have gotten together with others concerned about the website. We decided to create this iPetition.


http://www.subeta.org The Subeta homepage, the site under investigation. A partial example of the items in question.
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