
I for one have noticed in many video games, game developers ABUSE dragons, or give them horrible rolls. Dragons are much more important than just being a simple monster you kill, take their treasure they worked hard for, etc. They need better roles. Also, this is just one of the many examples of abuse. Game: RuneScape, Quest: Perils of Ice Mountain Baby dragons, STOLEN from their parents before being hatched. Put in a factory and force fed COAL , nasty tasting coal, to power the furnace with fire breath. They do NOT get breaks, they keep working until they die of natural or un-natural causes. When they die, they are just simply replaced like its worth nothing. That made me sick... I am a huge dragon lover. In the end you save them, but them being BORN there, they dont know how to survive, so just die anyway! Jagex LTD. is now on my public enemy list, and if your a dragon lover, or think this is sick, sign this to make game developers STOP abusing dragons and giving them bad roles in games, and START treating them like the magnificent creature they are!