Mayor Michael Bloomberg for President

Dear Mayor Bloomberg, We petition you as concerned citizens to become an Independent candidate for the office of President of the United States. This nation needs a chief executive who is more concerned with what is right and just instead of what is most popular. We need someone who can govern toward real results and true progress instead of party rhetoric and political agendas. We need someone who has the vision, experience and passion of a true and demonstrated leader. American voters are tired of the politics of exclusion. They want an independent that will broaden civic participation and not be beholden to campaign contributors and special interests. Our next President faces the daunting task of putting the country back on track on many domestic and international fronts. Our international leadership has become confused and directionless. We are no longer the shining beacon of freedom and justice to our fellow nations. Our nation\'s economy requires significant course-correction to return as the worlds strongest. Having brought the worlds greatest city back to unprecedented prosperity following unimaginable disaster, we consider you the most qualified individual to run the country. We, as the Draft Bloomberg movement, ask you to accept our call to seek the Presidency of the United States. Thank You.