Dr. Marasco for Dean
We, the following students of D’Youville College School of Pharmacy, support Dr. Marasco in his application for the School of Pharmacy Dean.We believe he is an excellent choice for the position for several reasons. Dr. Marasco has been an instrumental part of the school of pharmacy from the beginning, and because of this, we believe under his leadership the school would continue to improve. Dr. Marasco has been greatly involved with the school of pharmacy’s accreditation process, without him the school would not be where it is today. As the current Assistant Dean, he has shown an invested interest in every learner, making himself an accessible source for student concerns. Dr. Marasco listens to the wants of faculty and students; in-turn he does his best in fulfilling these requests. He plays a crucial role in transitioning first year students into professionals by arranging their white coat ceremony. He organized a career fair for the third and fourth year students in hopes to increase job placement upon graduation. He is also responsible for planning and organizing a separate graduation luncheon; a vital event for the graduating class, in order to have their own personal recognition. Above all, he encourages student success. Examples like this make it easy for one to see his dedication to the students and the betterment of the school. We believe Dr. Marasco will continue to strive to achieve only the best for his students, faculty, and staff as The D’Youville College School of Pharmacy Dean.
D’Youville College School of Pharmacy Students