Dr Janet Leung AACE BOD Nomination

Dear Dr. Howard Lando. AACE President & Dr Sandra Weber, Chair AACE Nominating Committee,
As you know, per AACE bylaws, AACE members can submit nominations of applicants to serve on the AACE board of Directors.
“Chapter 6. Election Procedures, Section 6.2 Nominating Committee Duties, Subsection (c) Nomination from the Membership: Nominations for elected Board positions and the Officer positions of President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President may also be made from the membership, provided that the candidate otherwise qualifies under these Bylaws and a separate petition, in support of each nominee, signed by at least one percent (1%) of the eligible voting AACE members has been received by the Nominating Committee at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.”
In accordance with the above AACE bylaws, We, the undersigned members of AACE, would like to nominate Dr. Janet Leung to be on the election slate for the AACE Board of Directors for a 3 year term.
Dr Leung fulfills all the requirements to be part of the board directors per the bylaws. We consider her to be a strong leader in the area of endocrinology and she will be a great addition to the AACE BOD.
Please advise us ASAP if you need anything else from us to support this nomination.
Thank You