Residents against Parking Restrictions in Dowanhill
***THE COUNCIL HAVE EXTENDED THEIR DEADLINE FOR FEEDBACK UNTIL 27th MARCH 2009*** ***WHEN YOU SIGN THE PETITION PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS SO THAT THE COUNCIL CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF DOWANHILL*** ***PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN YOU HAVE INPUTTED YOUR DETAILS AND CLICKED ON THE 'SIGN PETITION' ICON YOU ARE THEN TRANSFERRED TO A NEW PAGE WHICH ASKS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A DONATION TO IPETITIONS. THIS IS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR PETITION AND IS JUST A WAY FOR THE IPETITION WEBSITE TO MAKE MONEY. PLEASE IGNORE THIS AS YOUR NAME WILL ALREADY HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE PETITION BY THIS STAGE*** This petition is intended to allow Dowanhill residents to express their dissatisfaction with the parking proposals that Glasgow City Council are trying to introduce within the Dowanhill area with the hope being that the Council will scrap their proposals. Background to the petition: The council sent a questionnaire to every household in April 2008. This questionnaire was intended to gauge public opinion for parking controls in the West End of Glasgow. At no point was it supposed to be used as the go ahead by the council to introduce parking controls. The West End was divided into 34 smaller zones and in 31 of these zones the residents voted ‘no’. In the Dowanhill zone 1,445 questionnaires were issued with 474 being returned (33%). Of these 244 (51%) were in favour with 192 (40%) against. For some reason 9% have not been counted. This questionnaire in itself was flawed as it didn’t give every council taxpayer the chance to reply as only one was sent to each household. During this initial consultation the council made no mention of the following key points on their questionnaire. If they had done I am confident that many of those who voted ‘yes’ would not have done so: • There will only be ONE PERMIT PER HOUSEHOLD. This will create major issues for all households that have more than one car and in the longer term may have a detrimental affect on house values in Dowanhill as only households with one car or less will want to move into the area. • ALL THE PARKING BAYS WILL BE 'PAY & DISPLAY' in which residents can park if they have a permit. There will be no ‘Resident only Bays’. Clearly this is going to be of no benefit to residents. • There will be approximately 250 FEWER PARKING SPACES than are currently available. This is because the council has decided to make many roads which are currently two sided parking one sided parking only eg Horslethill Road, Belhaven Terrace, Kew Terrace, Queens Place, Hyndland Street, Crown Circus, Victoria Circus, Dowanhill Street and Beaumont Street. They are also planning to reduce Dowanside Road from three lanes of parking to two lanes by scrapping the central parking lane. Parking will also be reduced around Bowmont Terrace and other areas. • No conversions or new builds completed after 1st January 2000 will be eligible for a parking permit. Please sign this petition if you believe that the council should not implement any parking controls in the Dowanhill area.