Doughnut Mold United

This is a little petition to let Xen Bath and Beauty Supplies know just how popular a two-piece stainless steel bath bomb doughnut mold would be if they were to create and stock one.
Just imagine it. A bath bomb mold similar to their beautiful sphere shaped ones only it would be shaped like a half-doughnut. Using your bath bomb mix, squish the two halves together and you have a 3D doughnut bath bomb! Drizzle on some melt n pour, sprinkle on some goodies and, voila, non-edible, fizzy, amazing looking doughnutty bath fantastico!!!
Seriously, it would be pretty awesome.
Now imagine the same thing, only smaller! A Mini Doughnut mold. Omg I'm going to die of cute.
Anyway, enough waffling. Pretty please, Xen, we'd love a doughnut mold for our bath bombs. :D