Rebekah Belmont 0

Belmont Drive double yellow lines for child safety

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rebekah Belmont 0 Comments
26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


The situation with child and pedestrian safety on Belmont Drive, Belmont, Stepaside, Dublin 18 is getting worse due to the congestion caused by residential vehicles parking inappropriately and/or misusing their designated car space allocation. This is posing very high risk to all road users and residents, particularly young children coming to and from the playground area of the shared park land parallel to Belmont Drive. We request that the matter is brought forward to the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) to enforce a 24-hour parking restriction in the form of double yellow lines on appropriate section(s) of Belmont Drive to help alleviating this danger and possible fatalities for residents and road users.

Overview of issue:

The first phase of Belmont estate was launched in August 2013. Houses were built consisting of 2,3 and 4 bedrooms with each dwelling having an allocation of 2 car parking spaces. These allocated car parking spaces are in the form of a car port, paved side drive, or parking bay adjacent or close to the house. Belmont Drive is the main access road for a large portion of residential dwellings. In general, residents of Belmont estate with one or more cars, park either both cars in their designed car space (most ideal) OR one car in their allocated car space with the other vehicle parked directly outside of their house which doesn’t tend to cause any major congestion. There are a number of residents however whom unfortunately don’t use the allocated parking space in its entirety, instead choosing to use this space for other reasons i.e. Utility space/garage/conversion. This action results in congestion of vehicles on both sides of this main access road, making it impossible at times for pedestrians and young children to be visible to on-coming traffic. Further to this, it affects the main flow of traffic and restricts access for emergency vehicles.

As a result of the above there are two issues that need addressing as a matter of urgency:

1. Alleviation of the congestion of cars on Belmont Drive which currently restricts the view of pedestrians and young children to on-coming traffic, restricts traffic flow, and access for emergency vehicles.

There have been a number of communications and much discussion about this issue, namely at the management company’s annual general meeting to try alleviate this issue to no absolutely no avail. Ramps with a 20klm speed limit have been implemented and welcomed, but parking on both sides of Belmont drive is still an issue and a clear danger to pedestrians and children as outlined above. Further to this, it is at times not adequate to allow emergency vehicles pass through and difficult for road users to pass when 2 cars are parked on either side. It is therefore requested that a 24-hour parking restriction in the form of double yellow lines on the right hand side only of Belmont Drive when entering from village road to help alleviate these matters and concerns. This would naturally exclude the guest parking bays.

2. Alleviation of the congestion of cars parked on the main bend upon entering the main drive

For the same reasons as outlined above, it is requested that double yellow lines are implemented on both sides of the main bend when entering the drive from Village road. This area is a blind spot without the obstruction of vehicles already so having cars that are parked in this area further increases the risk of danger of a vehicle collision or pedestrian fatality.

Closing note:

It is unfortunate that it has come to the point whereby action is needed in the name of child and pedestrian safety. If action was taken by residents in alleviating this issue voluntarily it would have been preferred but it has come to a point whereby enforcement is needed. Although there may be other valid solutions to this problem and this action may not eliminate danger in its entirety, the above ‘double-line’ solution will have an immediate effect without cost to Belmont residents while making our community a safer place to live.

The estate is populated with many young families, and without any action the threat of an incident is looming. We want our children and fellow neighbours to freely enjoy the surroundings of our homes. It is also important to note that fairness and respect to all neighbours needs to be considered, in which case the same parking privileges should apply to all residents of Belmont estate. It is hopeful that all residents of Belmont understand this action is in the very best interest of all residents.

It’s imperative we take action now to prevent unimaginable consequences.

Please sign this petition and help put pressure on the Traffic Advisory Group to enforce this safety and traffic flow measure.

We hope you support and join the campaign!

Next steps:

The above petition will be sent to all local councillors to ask them to submit a request to the Traffic Advisory Group. The Traffic Advisory Group includes engineers and administrative staff from the council, as well as representatives of the Garda, the ambulance service, and Dublin Bus.

TAG convenes every 4 to 6 weeks for discussion on an agenda of items, a copy of which is circulated to the Elected Members for their information. The recommendations of each meeting of the TAG are brought to the Dun Laoghaire and Dundrum Area Committees for Noting under Council Business under the item “Consultation with Garda Commissioner”.

An engineer assesses the request and reports back to the Traffic Advisory Group. The group then comes up with its recommendation and send this on to the councillors in the local area for approval. Any approved change can then be sent back to the Garda for final sign-off.

If the decision is approved and if funding and staff are available, implementation proceeds.

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