"Shall we make them/you more comfortable" Does not mean "Can we kill them/you now?"

My great-grandad was Euthanised in the UK by hospice nurses because he was eccentric. they called my great Aunt and said "shall we make him more comfortable?" thinking this meant giving him a shave and a wash she said yes. 15 minutes later she got a call saying he'd died of a morphine overdose. And now my Grandad is dying of Cancer, and the MacMillan nurses are trying to kill him off with morphine before his time. He has refused to be Euthanised, and the witches use comments like "But you must feel like such a burden on your wife" and "We have other patients to see you know" and the one that really takes the biscuit which was said to my Grandma. "Our new diaries for the tax year start soon, do you know how expensive your husbands treatment is?" Sign this petition if you feel that when someone says "Shall we make them/you more comfortable?" they should mean it litterally, and not just kill off our loved ones who have weeks or even months left. This is not a pro-life petition. This is choice. The choice of the person whether they want to carry on living, and not just to be put down because the nurses relay a false message of comfort.