Don't Frack NC Pledge of Resistance

By adding my name to the list below, I publicly pledge to take part in a diversity of effective acts of resistance to stop the use of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, to extract oil and gas according to the following points of unity. We define "Resistance" as a shared commitment to fight fracking by means that do not cause physical injury. ----- Points of Unity: I. I agree that hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking”, is environmentally unsustainable, socially irresponsible, and an attempt by multinational oil and gas corporations to make a quick buck at the expense of rural people and healthy natural ecosystems. II. I agree to resist hydraulic fracturing operations and those organizations that enable them, including: Physical activities: Logging and bulldozing associated with the construction of infrastructure. The actual construction of infrastructure (well pads, compressor stations, pipelines, treatment plants, etc). High volume water extraction from local waterways and ponds. (This water is mixed with chemicals and injected underground during the actual process of hydraulic fracturing.) Seismic testing, drilling, fracking, flaring and the construction of toxic “brine pools” or “flowback ponds”. Reckless waste disposal methods (deep well injection, the spraying of well brine on roads, the dumping of flowback water into local waterways, the burying of toxic “residual waste” in municipal landfills, etc). Legal, Political and Logistical activities: Manufacturers that supply raw materials. Transportation operations that move raw materials, equipment and waste Land leasing, forced pooling, and the law firms that support these agreements. Financiers, engineering firms, and subcontractors that perform critical support work. Colleges and universities that invest their endowments, do research paid for by the gas industry, and censor research critical of fracking. Any bureaucrat, candidate, politician or political party office that continues to enable the industry. III. I will show solidarity with all others resisting the effects and spread of fracking operations by contributing to a diverse campaign of community building, legislative resistance and direct action. I will determine my own level of participation, whether it takes the form of engaging in constructive dialogue with fellow community members, speaking out at hearings and meetings, participating in community building events and trainings, taking part in direct action events, etc. IV. I acknowledge the importance of spotlighting the natural gas industry, Wall Street, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the North Carolina legislature, etc. Due to legal loopholes, backroom agreements, etc, the EPA, DENR, legislature and other regulatory agencies are not doing an effective job of protecting the land, air and water from the damage caused by hydraulic fracturing. These government agencies must be held accountable for their failure to continue a ban despite widespread support for an effective solution to the out of control actions of the natural gas industry. I will also advocate for real solutions to the climate crisis, as fracking has become a national energy extraction priority. Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas is no more of a responsible solution to fossil fuel dependence than mountaintop removal coal mining, offshore drilling, or the tar sands distillation megaprojects in Canada. We stand together against the manipulation of our communities to further this destructive, nonrenewable resource boom.