Michelle Palmer 0

Don't Axe City Homicide Channel 7

29 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michelle Palmer 0 Comments
29 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is a petition to stop Channel 7 from axing City Homicide.

Just because the ratings have gone down a bit it doesn't mean you have to get rid of a good show. City Homicide pulls 1.03 million people whis is second in its timeslot. Why would you axe a show that rates like that? There are many talented actors, crew, producers, etc on Homicide that do a wonderful job at making the show so great and it's just not fair to get rid of something when it's good. So sign this petition so we can show Channel 7 that City Homicide has a solid fanbase that doesn't want the show axed.


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