Ty TheGamerKid 0

Don't permanently discontinue Nintendo amiibos

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Please Nintendo, don't take these amiibos off the market permanently. I can understand your logic completely, and it makes sense. However, there ARE some problems if you take some of these amiibos off the market permanently.

I am going to list the main problems that are going to come out of this, and even have already came out of it. I know it seems like we might be asking for a lot, but hear us out!

1. Support for games:
Discontinuing various amiibos will mean that future titles might not have amiibo support. A villager amiibo could do something great in an Animal Crossing game, I'm sure. Maybe unlock a new item or something, maybe more. But that isn't going to be possible if we don't have Villager amiibos in store anymore. Maybe a Wii Fit Trainer amiibo could unlock a new Wii Fit mini-game, but looks like that won't be happening. Maybe you could even unlock Marth as a playable character in a Fire Emblem game. But it appears that isn't happening. And you are going to put support in future titles (or even updates to current titles) for these amiibos after they are completely off the market, than that only makes problem #2 all the worse.

2. Scalpers:
This is the biggest problem by far. There are some people that would love to have their own amiibo for various things. Maybe they want a Villager amiibo for a new Animal Crossing game that may or may not come out in the future! "What's this? They don't sell Villager amiibos in stores anymore? Well, I better check Ebay for one!" These three amiibos (Villager, Marth, and Wii Fit Trainer) are currently going for an average of 50-100 dollars on Ebay. For all those collectors, casuals, and even people who just want a nice figure to display of their favorite characters will have to dish out about 70 dollars to get a 12$ figure just because of all the scalpers buying all the amiibos up. There really is only one way to fix this, and that's to not have the amiibos cut off permanently.

3. Angry consumers:
This is a really easy way to make consumers mad. Maybe there's a guy who walks into store and says "Do you guys carry Marth amiibos?" and the clerk says "No, Nintendo discontinued them." There are obviously going to be some upset consumers when they find out their only option is Ebay where they have to spend 60 dollars.

A fair solution:

A fair solution would probably be to generate 2-3 of these discontinued amiibos per shipment. Big toy companies have done this with various action figures. I'm sure it would not be that costly for a multimillion dollar company like yourself to make a few extra amiibos those who them.

Thank you for reading our petition

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