Don't Let Greensboro hire an Excessively Forceful Ex Dover Cop

Thomas Webster is being hired by Greensboro because they did a "very thorough background check and they hired the best qualified person that applied".....Webster was arrested in 2015 after the 2nd of Two Grand Juries concluded he had committed a crime when he KICKED an UNARMED 33 year old Black man in the head, breaking his jaw who was getting into a face down position on the ground at gunpoint on the order of Webster, who is white, while another officer looked on. Civil Rights Leader Rev Jesse Jackson said the Dover incident clearly shows mistreatment and "What is clear is that a man who is down should not be kicked to unconsciousness". "That is excessive force". A Jury found him not guilty YET the City paid Webster $230,000 and BANNED him from ever seeking employment with the City again. They also paid Dickerson $300,000 to drop his Civil Law Suit against the City. DO NOT LET GREENSBORO HIRE HIM AND LET YOU BECOME HIS NEXT TARGET!!!!!!