Don't forget about Lasell Dining Workers!
Frances Boyes 0

Don't forget about Lasell Dining Workers!

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Frances Boyes 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We understand that the closing of campus is necessary in these uncertain times.

However, we believe that we, the workers in your dining halls and cafes, should not bear any additional financial burdens during this crisis. While we prepare individually to do our part and take necessary measures to keep our communities safe, we need assurances that we will have income protections. If we do not work, we do not get paid, and unemployment will not guarantee enough income to meet our basic needs.

Our personal budgets cannot handle this disruption to our earnings. We are urging the University to commit to guaranteeing us full pay for our lost hours of work for the duration of the normal academic semester.

Don't forget about us!

Entendemos que el cierre del campus es necesario en estos tiempos inciertos.

Sin embargo, creemos que nosotros, los trabajadores de sus comedores y cafeterías, no deberíamos soportar ninguna carga financiera adicional durante esta crisis. Mientras que nos preparamos individualmente para hacer nuestra parte y tomamos las medidas necesarias para mantener seguras a nuestras comunidades, necesitamos garantías de que tendremos protección de ingresos. Si no trabajamos, no nos pagan, y el desempleo no garantizará suficientes ingresos para satisfacer nuestras necesidades básicas.

Nuestros presupuestos personales no pueden manejar esta interrupción en nuestras ganancias. Instamos a la Universidad a comprometerse a garantizarnos el pago completo de nuestras horas de trabajo perdidas durante el semestre académico normal.

¡No te olvides de nosotros!

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